Willie Machallister » Mr. Machallister (Mr. Mach)

Mr. Machallister (Mr. Mach)

Mr. Machallister has been our school's assistant principal since January 2022.  Before being an assistant principal,  I have been a 4th grade, 5th grade, and 6th grade teacher.  My favorite part of my job is being able to help the students learn skills to problem solve on their own.  I also enjoy helping teachers become more effective in their own classroom management strategies.  I believe when a child creates a relationship with their teacher and feels a part of the whole school community, they will want to be their best self, and work hard to be successful in all aspects of our school.
Outside of school, I enjoy hiking in the mountains, hunting for elk in the fall, and fishing out of my kayak in the spring.  Over the summer I spend many days on the road touring the countryside with my family.  We love to camp in our travel trailer, and find slow flowing rivers and warm lakes to play in during the hot months.