3rd Grade » Home


Mrs. Benne

Mrs. Bissonnette

Mr. Foster

Ms. Harris

Mrs. Poitry


Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year! This year is a special time for students as they grow as readers and writers. We will also be learning a great deal in math, science, and social studies.  Here is a glimpse of what you can expect.


English Language Arts: We will be reading and responding to different genres of literature and informational text. Students will be writing narrative, expository and opinion essays.

Math: multiplication and division, fractions, geometry, addition and subtraction of multi-digit numbers with regrouping, multi-step story problems.

Science: Force and Motion, Weather, Animal Adaptations, Plants.

Social Studies: Continents and Oceans, Bayfield History, Local Government, Economics.


All units and lessons taught are based off of the Colorado Academic Standards (CAS).  We have idenfitied essential standards in ELA and Math that are essential for students to know to be successful in 4th grade and beyond.


3rd Grade ELA Essential Standards


Grade Level Expectation 

RW 3.2.1

Apply strategies to fluently read and comprehend various literary texts.

RW 3.2.2

Apply strategies to fluently read and comprehend various informational texts.

RW 3.2.3

Apply knowledge of spelling patterns (orthography), word meanings (morphology), and word relationships to decode words and increase vocabulary.

RW 3.3.2

Write informative/explanatory texts developed with facts, definitions, and details, ending with a related concluding statement.

RW 3.3.4

Use a recursive process to plan, draft, revise, and edit writing, applying knowledge of the conventions of grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.


 3rd Grade Math Essential Standards


Grade Level Expectation 


Number & Operations in Base Ten: Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic. A range of algorithms may be used.


Number & Operations—Fractions: Develop understanding of fractions as numbers.


Operations & Algebraic Thinking: Multiply and divide within 100.


Measurement & Data: Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals of time, liquid volumes, and masses of objects.


Measurement & Data: Represent and interpret data.








